Double Your Gift to Bus 142!

June 10, 2024



Supporter William Lane Ricci offered a matching challenge to help raise funds for trail and site clearing, which is the next step in Bus 142’s Road to Exhibition. William matched donations dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000, in June. The community of donors responded generously and gave $11,845! We thank Explore Fairbanks for their generous gift of $5,000. We thank Friends of Bus 142 and Carine McCandless for their partnership. In total, $21,845 was raised for this essential next step. We are incredibly grateful! Stay tuned for photos of the trail and site clearing. 

Even if you missed the challenge, it's not too late to give! Your donation will support continuing work on Bus 142's Road to Exhibition. 

An Update on Bus 142's Road to Exhibition

February 15, 2024

Many milestones have been reached on Bus 142's Road to Exhibition!

Milestones include essential conservation of Bus 142 to prepare it for long-term exhibition, interviews and other interpretive work, cataloging items, design work, and securing a gift for the open-air pavilion for the exhibit. 

Next step: Help us establish the exhibit trail for Bus 142! 

If we raise the required funds, the trail work can begin just as soon as the snow melts this spring. Establishing this trail will allow the open-air pavilion to be constructed during Summer 2024. Read about the pavilion support here:

McCandless Memorial Foundation gift supports Bus 142 pavilion

Thank you for considering a gift today!

Outside magazine story and podcast

February 07, 2024

Get caught up on Bus 142's road to exhibition in a new Outside Magazine article and Outside Podcast episode.

Discover more about Bus 142 Conservation

January 02, 2024

The UA Museum of the North's podcast, The More You Look, recently featured Bus 142 conservation work conducted by B.R. Howard. Members of the B.R. Howard team talk about the complicated process of balancing the preservation of existing bus elements while repairing and restoring lost components—in aid of both the safety of future visitors to the bus and the long-term care of the bus and associated collections. Here's a link to the Bus 142 conservation episode.

Questions about a donation or ways to support the Bus 142 project? Please contact UAMN Development at 907-378-1205 or email

Conservation work on a Bus 142 wheel well. UAMN photo by Roger Topp.

Last Chance to View Bus 142 Before Winter Storage

September 30, 2023

This weekend (Sept 30, Oct 1) will be the last chance to see Bus 142 before it moves from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Engineering Building's High Bay and into temporary winter storage. Bus 142 can be viewed via the Live Webcam or through the observation windows in the UAF Engineering Building until it moves into winter storage. The UAF Engineering building is open 8 am to 5 pm this weekend.

Conservation work is complete and the bus is moving to temporary storage, but significant work continues behind the scenes. We are advancing an interpretive approach that focuses on the various life-stages of the bus. Elements and layouts for the exhibition are being designed. Installation plans are taking shape. The bus will be exhibited in an outdoor space near the museum, on the UAF campus. Essential fundraising continues, as we must raise the necessary funds before installation begins. Please visit the University of Alaska Museum of the North's Ethnology & History page for updates and check out the  Bus 142 Virtual Exhibit

Thank you for supporting Bus 142’s Road to Exhibition! We appreciate you!

If you have any questions about your donation, please contact Aelin Allegood, UAMN Development, at or 907-378-1205.

Bus 142 In UAF Engineering Building

July 28, 2023

Bus 142 conservation work is complete but visitors still have the opportunity to see the bus in the High Bay of the Engineering Building on the UAF Campus. This state-of-the-art facility is accessible and open to the public from 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday and has large glass windows for viewing. The Engineering Building is at 1764 Tanana Loop on the UAF campus. A campus map is available here:  

Thank you for supporting Bus 142's Road to Exhibition! For questions about donations, please contact Aelin Allegood at or  (907) 378-1205.

Bus 142 Conservation Work Continues

April 05, 2023
Exciting conservation work continues on Bus 142. The Army Air National Guard cut large holes in the roof and floor in order to safely support the frame of Bus 142 when flying it out of the Stampede Trail via helicopter. This UAMN photo by Roger Topp, below, shows conservation team B.R. Howard & Associates, Inc. recently reattaching the roof panels by welding, taking care not to obscure any of the graffiti which is being preserved. 

We are incredibly grateful to our partners who make this work possible! The conservation of Bus 142 is partially funded through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 

Thank you to community partners for providing in-kind donations to the Bus 142 project like hotel stays, rental cars, materials, food, and more. Our hospitality sponsor, JL Properties, and ground transportation partner, Avis Alaska, have been essential to the conservation efforts.

Individual donations, through this site, are also essential to complete conservation efforts.  When this important work is done the bus will be in stable condition to be exhibited in an outdoor space that will be FREE to the public.

Watch Bus 142 Conservation Work

January 12, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that conservation work has begun on Bus 142!

You can watch the work happen on the Bus 142 Livestream.

Museum staff and student employees will work with the conservators, B.R. Howard and Associates, to prepare the bus for long-term exhibition. Conservation efforts will include making structural and paint repairs, cleaning, and replacing windows, and preserving the graffiti and epitaphs left by people who visited the bus on the Stampede Trail. The team will also apply protective coatings to prevent further metal deterioration and fading. 

Your support is crucial to these efforts. If you have questions about making a donation, please contact Aelin Allegood at 907-378-1205 or

Announcement of Major Grant to Support Bus 142 Conservation Work

October 19, 2022

A grant has been awarded to support Bus 142 conservation work. Read more here: 

Major Grant to Support Bus 142 Conservation Work

While the grant provides a big boost for Bus 142's Road to Exhibition, the museum needs to raise significant additional funds to make the final exhibit a reality. 

Bus 142 Virtual Experience

October 06, 2022

We invite you to virtually explore Bus 142. Learn more here: Bus 142 Virtual Exhibit.   

The app will be updated with new images and commentary as progress on Bus 142 occurs.

Thank you for sharing in the Bus 142: Road to Exhibition journey.

Bus 142: Road to Exhibition presentation

July 21, 2022

Angela Linn, UA Museum of the North Senior Collections Manager, recently provided an update on Bus 142: The Road to Exhibition as part of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Summer Sessions' Discover Alaska lecture series. In this presentation, you'll learn about work taking place behind the scenes and see new Bus 142 images.

Here's the direct link to the presentation on YouTube:

Questions or comments? Please email Aelin Allegood, UAMN Development, at

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Bus 142 moves to the UAF Engineering Building

October 07, 2021

Bus 142 is making its first public debut in the University of Alaska Fairbanks Engineering Building’s High Bay. On October 6, 2021, Bus 142 moved to this temporary new home for extensive conservation work required to prepare the Bus for exhibition. This state-of-the-art facility is accessible and open to the public from 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday and has large glass windows to observe the work for free. The Engineering Building is at 1764 Tanana Loop on the UAF campus. A campus map is available here:

The museum must raise the funds for this important work. Please consider a gift to support Bus 142 Conservation today.  

The full October 7, 2021 press release can be read here:

For questions about donations, please contact Aelin Allegood at or (907) 378-1205.

Establishing a Conservation Plan

September 14, 2021

Two historic auto specialists spent three days in Fairbanks this summer, seeing the proposed exhibit site and examining the bus. This was an essential step in establishing the conservation plan.

Cataloging of Bus 142 items has begun

November 24, 2020

Bus 142 is now officially accessioned into the ARCTOS database and assigned a catalog number:  


UAMN Ethnology & History Senior Collections Manager Angela Linn and Operations Manager Kevin May have begun to catalog items from inside Bus 142. 


We are so grateful for your support!

September 24, 2020 Press Release

September 24, 2020

Stampede Trail bus arriving in Fairbanks for conservation work


CONTACT: Marmian Grimes, 907-460-4750,


The 1940s-era bus made famous by the book and film “Into the Wild” arrived in Fairbanks this week so that staff at the University of Alaska Museum of the North can begin conservation work.


The former Fairbanks city bus—known as Bus 142—will eventually be displayed by the museum. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources earlier this year removed the bus from the spot where it was abandoned off the Stampede Trail near Healy, Alaska. The museum and DNR signed a formal agreement this week that assigns long-term stewardship of the bus to the museum.


“Bus 142 is an international icon and a fascinating piece of Alaska’s history,” said museum director Patrick Druckenmiller. “Our museum is honored and excited to work with the Bus 142 community and share its story in a safe and respectful manner with our visitors.”


The bus gained notoriety after the release of Jon Krakauer’s 1996 book “Into the Wild” and 2007 film of the same name, which told the story of Chris McCandless, a 24-year-old man who died at the bus site in 1992. Over the years, the bus became a sometimes hazardous destination for visitors, some of whom became lost or injured in their attempts to reach the bus, which required crossing a remote river. Two people in the last decade have died trying to visit the bus, which prompted DNR to take steps to reduce the risk of future injury and death.


The DNR, with the assistance of the Alaska Army National Guard, moved the bus to a storage facility near Anchorage in June. In July, the DNR announced that it planned to house the bus at the UA Museum of the North.


“We at DNR understand that Bus 142 represents the spirit of independence, love of wilderness and more to people around the world,” said DNR Commissioner Corri Feige. “We are grateful that the Museum of the North has agreed to work with us to preserve and display this important historical and cultural artifact, so that visitors to our state can continue to experience and be inspired by the bus, without having to risk their safety or lives to do so.”


The museum’s preservation and interpretation work is expected to take at least two years. The work includes cataloging the bus and objects associated with it, hiring a conservation team that specializes in historic vehicles and fully documenting the history of the collection.


Once the work is completed, the museum hopes to exhibit the bus in the wooded area north of the museum parking lot, with a short trail and interpretive signs to describe the bus’ history.


The museum has also launched a fundraising effort to support the preservation, interpretation and exhibition of the bus. More information can be found on the museum’s website.


ADDITIONAL CONTACT: Dan Saddler, Alaska Department of Natural Resources,, 907-269-8427.

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